Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chicken, Onion, and Bacon Pizza

This is the first pizza I have ever tried to make from scratch and it came out great! I was pleasantly surprised but as I was tasting the ingredients during the creation, they were all good – so how else would it have come out?

I’m starting with a photo of the ingredients before I began.

As you can see, Kent Buckingham seems to have a good handle on the ingredients and watches over the proceedings. Nice to have a sock monkey keeping watch over the kitchen!

First, you need to make the Pizza Dough! I used a recipe from my daughter, Emily and it an easy one and tastes wickedly good!

  • 1 and 1/2 cups water
  • 1 Tbls yeast
  • 1 and 1/2 Tbls sugar
  • 3/4 Tsp salt
  • 3 and 1/2 cups of sifted white flour

Combine ingredients in order. Mix for 10 minutes. Let stand for 20 minutes covered. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Make sure you soak your pizza stone in the oven at this temp for at least 20 minutes.

Mom's Waffle Recipe

Time to share this incredible recipe that I grew up with, enjoyed and now share with family and friends. This is one, if not the best tasting waffle I have ever enjoyed – not just because it’s a handed-down recipe from my family but because it’s wonderful – just taste it for yourselves!

  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Cups Buttermilk
  • 1 Tsp. Baking Soda
  • 2 Cups Sifted Flour
  • 2 Tsp. Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 6 Tbls. Soft Shortning (oil)

Beat eggs well with wire whip. Beat in remaining ingredients with whip until smooth. This is a thin batter.

The Syrup that needs to be poured on this waffles is not store bought – it’s homemade as well.2 cups water

  • 2 cups water
  • 2 and 1/2 cups suger (mix half white sugar and brown sugar together)
  • 3 caps of Maple Flavoring

Bring water to boil and then pour in the sugar mix. Use wire whip until dissolved (about 2 minutes) and leave on the burner to keep warm. Do NOT boil the sugar unless you would like your syrup to come out in chunks! Once the sugar is dissolved, pour in the 3 caps of the maple flavoring and stir for about 15 seconds.

Serve both the waffles and syrup HOT. Also don’t forget to use fresh butter and ENJOY!!!

Culinary Creations

I started a blog back on May 9th 2010 but wasn't happy with the name, look and feel of it so I'm starting it up on this site. I wanted to save the dedication I had put on my other blog and start this one the same way:

I thought it appropriate to give credit to my Mom by starting this blog on Mother's Day - to the person who inspired me to be a creative cook!

She was the most wonderful cook and was constantly trying new recipes and ideas. She loved to cook just about everything and seemed to enjoy just about everything except cutting whole chickens into pieces - when this was going on, we kids cleared out of the kitchen until the butchering was finished!

To the woman who inspired me to learn to love the Creative Art of Cooking! Thanks, Mom!!!